Tradición familiar
Somos la quinta generación de una familia dedicada al aceite de oliva en España. Queremos que pruebes el verdadero aceite de oliva como un miembro más de nuestra familia.

Producto natural
Te ofrecemos productos 100% naturales, queremos que disfrutes los sabores como se han disfrutado durante cientos de años. Sin conservadores, sin saborizantes artificiales y buscando dártelos de la manera más natural posible.
Learn about the benefits of our oils.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Trascastillo oil is as rooted in the land of Andalusia as our family, hence the love with which our olive groves have been cared for for generations.
Our experience in the harvesting process, selection of the best olives and cold extraction guarantees that the best extra virgin olive oil reaches your table. -
Nature's bounty
Since ancient times, oil has been considered one of the richest, most nutritious and healthiest foods that can be found in its natural state. It is the basis of the Mediterranean diet since it has properties that benefit the health of those who consume it and improves the flavor of any food.
Health benefits
Extra Virgin Olive Oil prevents cardiovascular diseases, boosts the immune system, controls cholesterol, improves blood circulation and the digestive process and protects against inflammation and oxidative stress caused by aging.